Unveiling Greatness: The Journey to Visible Excellence

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Having conducted over 2,000 interviews throughout my career, I've honed in on one indispensable tool: the 15-minute phone screening. This initial step in the interview process serves as a crucial filter, allowing both the interviewer and the candidate to gauge mutual suitability efficiently.

The premise is simple yet effective: a brief conversation aimed at providing enough insight to determine potential fit. Here's how it typically unfolds:

"Hello, [Name]. We have about 15 minutes to chat. This isn't intended to be a lengthy meeting but rather an opportunity for me to assess your fit with our team and for you to evaluate whether we align with your career goals."

During this call, I delve into the candidate's recent work experiences, posing questions such as:

- Why did you choose to work there?

- What aspects of your role did you find most fulfilling?

- What challenges did you encounter in your previous positions?

While seemingly straightforward, these inquiries serve a deeper purpose. They afford candidates the chance to express their passions and priorities, providing valuable insights into their areas of expertise and interest.

Through years of conducting interviews, I've observed a fascinating correlation: individuals often excel in areas they are genuinely passionate about. Moreover, the most talented individuals tend to be modest about their achievements, necessitating further exploration during the screening process.

For instance, when a candidate mentions a project they enjoyed, I delve deeper, prompting them to elaborate on their contributions and experiences. Similarly, inquiries about their interactions with colleagues and superiors shed light on their collaborative skills and workplace dynamics.

Despite its efficacy, the 15-minute phone screening isn't foolproof. Some candidates excel at interviews but fall short when it comes to job performance. To mitigate this risk, employers must supplement screening calls with additional assessments:

1. **Evaluate Past Performance:** Assess whether candidates effectively executed their duties in previous roles.

2. **Skills and Behavioral Assessments:** Gauge candidates' competencies and suitability through objective assessments.

3. **Reference Checks:** Validate candidates' claims by contacting both listed and unlisted references, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of their capabilities and character.

By aligning candidates' words with their actions, backed by thorough assessments and reference checks, employers can identify exceptional talent poised for success within their organization.

In essence, the 15-minute phone screening serves as a critical first step in the hiring process, allowing employers to make informed decisions and cultivate high-performing teams.


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